
Monge SPA

The Monge group is the most important Italian production and industrial reality in the dog and cat food sector.

The headquarters in Monasterolo di Savigliano, in the province of Cuneo, hosts all departments: production, quality control, research development, logistics, marketing and management. A team of 300 employees and 120 salespeople, capable of ensuring ever better performance year after year. An extraordinary result, achieved thanks to the strategic vision of the Monge family and the commitment of all its collaborators.

The headquarters in Monasterolo di Savigliano is spread over an area of ​​55,000 square meters covered, between production and logistics, and has 36 owned vehicles, which guarantee timely deliveries throughout the Italian territory.

The ability to cover all distribution channels and to position itself in all market segments has guaranteed the Monge Group constant growth over the years.

This is why an increasing number of Italian families choose the quality of Monge products for their four-legged friends every day.

Monge SPA